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Why should I vote for Jim Kirchner for Duarte City Council?

  • He has lived in Duarte over 40 years.
  • He and his wife, Kathy, have been married over 56 years and their two sons have graduated from Duarte schools and have successful careers.
  • He has been a public servant for over 35 years with the City of Duarte, including being the Mayor of Duarte three times. He knows Duarte.
  • And, he believes there's so much more we can do for our community.


What is Jim Kirchner concerned about?

  • There are too many empty prime business locations. We need to work to attract new businesses. We need to revitalize and support our local businesses who provide valuable services to our community.
  • Residents with mobility challenges need a stronger representation so they can have safe, level sidewalks to travel over simple driveways. And that's just a start!
  • Future development around the Andres Duarte School area and the possible traffic impact on safety and the neighborhood.


How can Jim Kirchner get any of this done?

  • Jim Kirchner has served as Executive Director of the Duarte Chamber of Commerce. He knows business.
  • Jim Kirchner is currently serving as a Public Works and Traffic Safety Commissioner. He knows traffic.
  • Jim Kirchner is committed to making Duarte a city where accessibility for persons with disabilities is a priority. He knows safety.


~ The Difference is Experience ~

If you want a Councilmember who listens

pushes to get things done,

and has an extensive record

of serving the people of Duarte,

vote for Jim Kirchner

Jim Kirchner for Duarte City Council 2024 FPPC # 1474472
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